Exmoor Glass & Glazing have the necessary skills and expertise available to undertake traditional glazing work in old, historic and listed buildings using traditional glazing methods.
Extreme care is taken to avoid damage to any existing glass due to the limitation on its supply from salvaged sources. Where new glass is required, and matching salvaged glass cannot be obtained, the closest match possible is obtained and used.
We install all types of glass from double glazed units, slim line units, toughened glass, laminated glass, 3mm horticulture glass and the most common 4mm clear glass.
We’re able to cover all aspects of glazing into a timber window frames with timber bead or putty glazing and love to collaborate with local carpenters and joiners to help our clients meet their timber window needs through repair or full installation.
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Call us on 01643 403013 or 07926 768331
Exmoor Glass & Glazing aim to get back to you within 24hrs